Kinematic Model of Magnetic Domain Wall Motion for Fast, High-Accuracy Simulations

Kristi Doleh, Leonard Humphrey, Chandler M. Linseisen, Michael D. Kitcher, Joanna M. Martin,Can Cui,Jean Anne C. Incorvia,Felipe Garcia-Sanchez,Naimul Hassan,Alexander J. Edwards,Joseph S. Friedman


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Domain wall (DW) devices have garnered recent interest for diverse applications including memory, logic, and neuromorphic primitives; fast, accurate device models are therefore imperative for large-scale system design and verification. Extant DW motion models are sub-optimal for large-scale system design either over-consuming compute resources with physics-heavy equations or oversimplifying the physics, drastically reducing model accuracy. We propose a DW model inspired by the phenomenological similarities between motions of a DW and a classical object being acted on by forces like air resistance or static friction. Our proposed phenomenological model predicts DW motion within 1.2 400 times slower. Additionally our model is seven times faster than extant collective coordinate models and 14 times more accurate than extant hyper-reduced models making it an essential tool for large-scale DW circuit design and simulation. The model is publicly posted along with scripts that automatically extract model parameters from user-provided simulation or experimental data to extend the model to alternative micromagnetic parameters.
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