Quantum Molecular Charge-Transfer Model for Multi-step Auger-Meitner Decay Cascade Dynamics


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The fragmentation of molecular cations following inner-shell decay processes in molecules containing heavy elements underpins the x-ray damage effects observed in x-ray scattering measurements of biological and chemical materials, as well as in medical applications involving Auger-electron-emitting radionuclides. Traditionally, these processes are modeled using simulations that describe the electronic structure at an atomic level, thereby omitting molecular bonding effects. This work addresses the gap by introducing a novel approach that couples a decay spawning dynamics algorithm with ab initio molecular dynamics simulations to characterize the potential energy surfaces. We apply our method to a model decay cascade following K-shell ionization of IBr and subsequent K_β fluorescence decay. We examine two competing channels that undergo two decay steps, resulting in ion-pairs with a total +3 charge state. This approach provides a continuous description of the electron transfer dynamics occurring during the multi-step decay cascade and molecular fragmentation, revealing the charge transfer timescale to be approximately 75 fs. Our computed kinetic energies of ion fragments show good agreement with experimental data.
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