Risk warning model of road transportation of hazardous chemical tanker based on D-S evidence theory.

Yuanyuan Liu,Mingguang Zhang, Zhen Xu, Mengcheng Liu


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Road transport accidents involving hazardous chemicals tanker involved many factors such as human, vehicle, hazardous chemicals, environment and road. The accident has strong randomness and large chance. Accurate and efficient accident risk warning model is of great significance for the risk prevention and control of hazardous chemicals tanker transport. In this paper, the risk early warning index system of road transportation accidents of hazardous chemical tanker were established, the early warning mechanism is determined and the index early warning grade were divided. The inverse cloud generator in cloud model theory were used to convert the measured values of early warning indicators into the basic probability distribution of D-S evidence theory, and the basic probability distribution results were modified by discount coefficient method and index weight, and the evidence fusion rule were used to evaluate the early warning level of the output transportation accident risk, which can provide a reference for the risk prevention and control of road transportation of hazardous chemicals tanker.
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