Edge architecture for the automation and control of flexible manufacturing lines

Procedia Computer Science(2024)

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The automation and control of industrial machines and processes is a task traditionally performed by PLCs and SCADA systems. However, with the advent of Industry 4.0 paradigm, which merges OT and IT domains, this task can also be performed inside the IT domain. This paper proposes an edge architecture where a flexible manufacturing line is led by a state machine programmed and running on the IT domain inside the Manufacturing Execution System. Each industrial asset has been modelled as a black-box, where security and hard real-time functionalities are programmed and controlled inside each black-box by traditional OT tools. Functionalities and variables required to synchronize each black-box, have been modelled as inputs and outputs. These input and output variables and methods are available using Industry 4.0 industrial communication protocols, such as OPC UA or MQTT. Then, a state machine programmed on a high-level IT language model inside the MES, automates the manufacturing line reacting to the inputs and outputs of each black-box. This architecture has been successfully validated automating a manufacturing line composed by a conveyor, a robot and a vision based quality control system.
Industry 4.0,edge computing,Flexible Manufacturing,Automation sep State Machine
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