Integrating diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in business education

Hiram Ting,Lenny Yusrini, Lilibeth Aragon Aragon

Asian Journal of Business Research(2024)

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Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) have emerged as critical imperatives in business education, reflecting a growing recognition of their interconnectedness in fostering fair, representative, and inclusive environments. This Editorial explores the multifaceted landscape of DEI in business education, including its importance, implementation challenges, advancement strategies, and best practices. It also discusses the role of business schools as change agents as well as the intersection of DEI with innovation and sustainability in business education. The integration of DEI principles into curricula is emphasised, as it prepares future leaders to navigate complex organisational environments and drive sustainable growth. Finally, this Editorial calls for business schools to amplify their impact through collaborative efforts and partnerships and drive collective action toward shared DEI goals, contributing to a more sustainable and equitable world for all.
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