Supporting building life cycle carbon monitoring, reporting and verification: A traceable and immutable blockchain-empowered information management system and application in Hong Kong

Ye Luo, Jieling Shen,Hanwei Liang,Lu Sun,Liang Dong

Resources, Conservation and Recycling(2024)

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The Hong Kong Green Building Council introduced the Climate Change Framework for the Built Environment, aimed at enhancing the monitoring and management of life cycle carbon emissions within the building industry. In response to this initiative, this paper presents a novel blockchain-based carbon audit tool designed to facilitate the monitoring, reporting, and verification (MRV) of embodied carbon in Hong Kong's building sector. Specifically, a consortium blockchain is utilized for system development in this study. The proposed blockchain system records the information pertaining to each stage of the building's life cycle, which is uploaded for storage. The system ensures the traceability, immutability, and transparency of the recorded information. To test and verify the system, it was initially applied to manage and audit the embodied carbon in Hong Kong's building sector in 2020. We anticipate our findings will provide a viable tool for MRV of building life cycle carbon emissions.
Building embodied carbon,Blockchain technology,Life cycle,Monitoring, reporting, and verification (MRV),Hong Kong
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