Active ballistic orbital transport in Ni/Pt heterostructure.

Sobhan Subhra Mishra,James Lourembam, Dennis Jing Xiong Lin,Ranjan Singh

Nature communications(2024)

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Orbital current, defined as the orbital character of Bloch states in solids, can travel with larger coherence length through a broader range of materials than its spin counterpart, facilitating a robust, higher density and energy efficient information transmission. Hence, active control of orbital transport plays a pivotal role in the progress of the evolving field of quantum information technology. Unlike spin angular momentum, orbital angular momentum couples to phonon angular momentum efficiently via orbital-crystal momentum (L-k) coupling, allowing us to control orbital transport through crystal field potential mediated angular momentum transfer. Here, leveraging the orbital dependant efficient L-k coupling, we have experimentally demonstrated the active control of orbital current velocity in Ni/Pt heterostructure. We observe terahertz emission from Ni/Pt heterostructure via long-range ballistic orbital transport, as evidenced by the delay, and chirping in the emitted THz pulse correlating with increased Pt thickness. Additionally, we also have identified a critical energy density required to overcome collisions in orbital transport, enabling a swifter flow of orbital current. Femtosecond light driven active control of the ballistic orbital transport lays the foundation for the development of dynamic optorbitronics for transmitting information over extended distance.
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