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Multimodal Approach for the Diagnosis of Neurodegenerative Disorders Using Augmented Reality.

IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces(2024)

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This study introduces an innovative multimodal strategy for diagnosing neurodegenerative disorders by integrating Augmented/Mixed Reality. Our primary focus involves harnessing AR goggles to capture Parkinson's Disease symptoms, reshaping our comprehension of brain-related disorders. Through meticulous sensor data and technical intricacies like hand movements, gait and gaze analysis, our system offers a transformative approach to patient care. At its core, our work features an autonomous game-alike experience - a 30-minute journey encompassing 17 varied tasks seamlessly inte-grating motor skills, gait and gaze exercises, speech tasks, memory challenges, and cognitive exercises. This gamified platform, coupled with clinical tests, delivers a holistic assessment of patients' physical and cognitive capabilities. By automating tasks and leveraging AR glasses for enhanced patient comfort, our approach not only capti-vates patients but also emerges as a potent diagnostic tool, heralding an era of interactive neurodiagnostics where innovation converges with patient engagement.
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Applied computing—Life and medical sciences—Health informatics—,Mixed Reality—Multimodal signals—Gait analysis—Hand-related analysisSpeech analysisGaze analysisPosture stability
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