Tell your story: Metrics of success for academic data science collaboration and consulting programs

Mara Rojeski Blake, Emily Griffith,Steven J. Pierce, Rachel Levy, Micaela Parker,Marianne Huebner


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Measuring success plays a central role in justifying and advocating for a statistical or data science consulting or collaboration program (SDSP) within an academic institution. We present several specific metrics to report to targeted audiences to tell the story for success of a robust and sustainable program. While gathering such metrics includes challenges, we discuss potential data sources and possible practices for SDSPs to inform their own approaches. Emphasizing essential metrics for reporting, we also share the metric gathering and reporting practices of two programs in greater detail. New or existing SDSPs should evaluate their local environments and tailor their practice to gathering, analysing and reporting success metrics accordingly. This approach provides a strong foundation to use success metrics to tell compelling stories about the SDSP and enhance program sustainability. The area of success metrics provides ample opportunity for future research projects that leverage qualitative methods and consider mechanisms for adapting to the changing landscape of data science.
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