A heavy-tailed model for analyzing miRNA-seq raw read counts


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This article addresses the limitations of existing statistical models in analyzing and interpreting highly skewed miRNA-seq raw read count data that can range from zero to millions. A heavy-tailed model using discrete stable distributions is proposed as a novel approach to better capture the heterogeneity and extreme values commonly observed in miRNA-seq data. Additionally, the parameters of the discrete stable distribution are proposed as an alternative target for differential expression analysis. An R package for computing and estimating the discrete stable distribution is provided. The proposed model is applied to miRNA-seq raw counts from the Norwegian Women and Cancer Study (NOWAC) and the Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) databases. The goodness-of-fit is compared with the popular Poisson and negative binomial distributions, and the discrete stable distributions are found to give a better fit for both datasets. In conclusion, the use of discrete stable distributions is shown to potentially lead to more accurate modeling of the underlying biological processes.
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breast cancer,discrete stable distributions,extremes,lung cancer,miRNA-seq raw read counts,TCGA
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