An Immersive Multi-User VR-based System for the Training of Electrical Substation Maintenance.

Jair de Oliveira Pereira Neto, Lucas Pinheiro Morais, Bruno G. R. Vaz de Melo, Gerson Flavio Mendes de Lima,Alexandre Cardoso,Edgard Lamounier, Luis C. F. dos Santos, Jader Oliveira, Davidson P. Campos

IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces(2024)

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Maintenance routines in electrical substations are considered as a high-risk engineering activity. In this context, systems based on Virtual Reality (VR) techniques are well explored for providing a safer and lower cost training environment. However, concurrent training is not supported in many tools developed for this purpose. Supporting such feature is very important to simulate real life maintenance routines. Thus, this work presents the development of a system for the utilization of immersive and multi -user VR -based techniques to support the concurrent training of electrical substations operators. To do so, we present an architecture that provides concurrent and immersive virtual training using head mounted displays such a Meta's Quest Pro. This involves designing and implementing a server-side architecture that can handle data storage and communication with clients.
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