CIMFormer: A Systolic CIM-Array-Based Transformer Accelerator With Token-Pruning-Aware Attention Reformulating and Principal Possibility Gathering

IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits(2024)

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Transformer models have achieved impressive performance in various artificial intelligence (AI) applications. However, the high cost of computation and memory footprint make its inference inefficient. Although digital compute-in-memory (CIM) is a promising hardware architecture with high accuracy, Transformer’s attention mechanism raises three challenges in the access and computation of CIM: 1) the attention computation involving Query and Key results in massive data movement and under-utilization in CIM macros; 2) the attention computation involving Possibility and Value exhibits plenty of dynamic bit-level sparsity, resulting in redundant bit-serial CIM operations; and 3) the restricted data reload bandwidth in CIM macros results in a significant decrease in performance for large Transformer models. To address these challenges, we design a CIM accelerator called CIM Transformer (CIMFormer) with three corresponding features. First, the token-pruning-aware attention reformulation (TPAR) is a technique that adjusts attention computations according to the token-pruning ratio. This reformulation reduces the real-time access to and under-utilization of CIM macros. Second, the principal possibility gather-scatter scheduler (PPGSS) gathers the possibilities with greater effective bit-width as concurrent inputs to CIM macros, enhancing the efficiency of bit-serial CIM operations. Third, the systolic X $\mid$ W-CIM macro array efficiently handles the execution of large Transformer models that exceed the storage capacity of the on-chip CIM macros. Fabricated in a 28-nm technology, CIMFormer achieves a peak energy efficiency of 15.71 TOPS/W, with an over 1.46 $\times$ improvement compared with the state-of-the-art Transformer accelerator at an equivalent situation.
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Key words
Attention,bit sparsity,compute-in-memory (CIM),dataflow,systolic,token pruning,transformer
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