Dark matter admixed neutron stars with a realistic nuclear equation of state from chiral nuclear interactions

Domenico Scordino,Ignazio Bombaci


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We study the effects of dark matter on the structural properties of neutron stars. In particular we investigate how the presence of a dark matter component influences the mass-radius relation, the value of the maximum mass of a neutron star and others stellar properties. To model ordinary matter we use a state-of-the-art equation of state of β-stable nuclear matter obtained using the Brueckner-Hartree-Fock quantum many-body approach starting from two-body and three-body nuclear interactions derived from chiral effective field theory. The dark matter component of the star is modeled as a non-self-annihilating system of spin 1/2 fermions and its equation of state as an ideal relativistic Fermi gas. The equilibrium configurations of these dark matter admixed neutron stars (DANS) are calculated by solving a generalization of the Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff equations to the case where the system consists of two perfect fluids interacting solely through gravity. We find that, depending on the dark matter particle mass m_χ, one can have somehow opposite effects on the stellar properties. In the case m_χ = 1 GeV, the stellar gravitational maximum mass M_max decreases, whereas in the case m_χ = 0.1 GeV, M_max increases with respect to the maximum mass of ordinary neutron stars. We also show that the presence of dark matter has indirect sizeable effect on the proton fraction in the ordinary matter fluid and, in the case m_χ = 1 GeV, results in a decrease of the threshold gravitational mass M_tot^durca for having direct URCA processes and fast stellar cooling. Finally we study the stability of dark matter admixed neutron stars with respect to radial perturbations.
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