Photonic envelope convolver based on time-domain convolution method

Qiong Zhang,Yang Jiang,Jing Xu,Xiaohong Lan,Jinjian Feng, Qianyou Long, Yunkun Luo, Hui Zhang, Tingyi Jiang

Optics Communications(2024)

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A photonic approach of temporal convolver is proposed and experimentally demonstrated. Different from traditional schemes, the photonic envelope convolution can be achieved by time-domain convolution method, which includes three steps of time-domain Fourier transform, multiplication and inverse Fourier transform. The feasibility of the system is verified by theoretical analysis and simulation. The proposed temporal convolution is experimentally evaluated, in which three temporal convolution results between two rectangular signals, between a rectangular signal and a sawtooth signal, and between two sawtooth signals are successfully obtained, which agree with the theoretical analysis well. Because the time-domain Fourier transform and multiplication can be easily implemented through dispersion mediums and modulation devices respectively, the proposed system has advantages of simple configuration, easy operation, reconfigurability and cost-effectiveness. It provides a new access to achieving convolution operation.
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Key words
Convolution,Time-domain Fourier transform,Optical signal processing
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