
Authigenic quartz reveals the triple oxygen isotope composition and diagenetic temperature of saline brines

Chemical Geology(2024)

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Triple oxygen isotope compositions of authigenic minerals are an emerging tool for the reconstruction of fluid temperatures and the fluid isotopic composition. In this study, we analyzed euhedral authigenic quartz crystals from a halite deposit of the Upper Permian Zechstein evaporitic basin for their triple oxygen isotope composition using laser fluorination isotope ratio mass spectrometry. In the triple oxygen isotope space, additional information, such as the triple oxygen isotope composition of the ambient water, provides insights into equilibrium conditions during quartz formation that cannot be identified from δ18O alone. The triple oxygen isotope composition of authigenic quartz shows, that single oxygen isotope (δ18O) thermometry is not applicable for samples from evaporitic environments, where the fluids' δ18O deviates from dynamic oxygen isotope equilibrium. By combining the Craig and Gordon evaporation model with H2O – SiO2 triple oxygen isotope equilibrium fractionation, we reconstruct the formation temperature of authigenic quartz and the triple oxygen isotope composition of the marine-derived saline brine pore fluid in equilibrium with the quartz. We obtain temperatures of 90 to 130 °C that is interpreted as crystallization temperatures of microcrystalline quartz in pore fluid of halite during burial diagenesis. The triple oxygen isotope composition of authigenic quartz from evaporitic environments is suited as a geochemical tracer for fluid oxygen isotope compositions and ancient fluid or diagenetic temperatures.
Authigenic quartz,Zechstein salt,Triple oxygen isotopes,Quartz-water equilibrium,Seawater evaporation,Temperature reconstruction
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