Engineering multiform quantum state transfers and topological devices in a splicing Su-Schrieffer-Heeger chain

Chinese Journal of Physics(2024)

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We propose to implement the various kinds of topological quantum state transfers (QSTs) in a splicing Su-Schrieffer-Heeger (SSH) chain, where the transfer forms vary with the introduction of the on-site potential and are distinguished by different output ports. The splicing SSH chain without the on-site potential shows an interface symmetry in chain configuration and supports a zero-energy gap state to realize a symmetric state transfer from the central site to the two ends with equal probabilities. After introducing the on-site potential on one end or two ends, we further obtain two asymmetric versions of the splicing SSH chain. The existence of the on-site potential leads to the transformation of the zero-energy gap state into a nonzero gap state, and the nonzero gap state exhibits different distribution characteristics in two asymmetric versions. Accordingly, three QST channels with different forms in a splicing SSH chain are designed, each of which possesses the robustness against the disorder of the couplings and the inaccuracy of the evolution time. In addition, we demonstrate the scalability of a multiform QST protocol with high fidelity. The protocol with different transfer forms is expected to realize diverse functional quantum devices, which effectively improves the utilization of a splicing SSH chain and economizes the physical resource.
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Key words
Quantum state transfer,Topological device,Gap state,Su-Schrieffer-Heeger chain
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