Self-driven ion deflectometry measurements using MeV fusion-driven protons and accelerated deuterons in the deuterated hybrid x-pinch on the MAIZE LTD generator

Vojtech Munzar, Jakub Cikhardt, Balzima Cikhardtova,Pavel Kubes, Jakub Malir,Jan Novotny,Karel Rezac,Daniel Klír, Vojtech Juras, Karel Turek, George Dowhan, Joe Chen, Landon Tafoya,Nicholas Jordan,Ryan McBride

Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion(2024)

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We report on the results of point-projection ion deflectometry measurements from a mid-size university zpinch experiment. A 1-MA 8-kJ LTD generator at the University of Michigan (called MAIZE) drove a hybrid x-pinch (HXP) with a deuterated polyethylene fiber load to produce a point-like source of MeV ions for backlighting. In these experiments, 2.7-MeV protons were generated by DD beam-target fusion reactions. Due to the kinematics of beam-target fusion, the proton energies were down-shifted from the more standard 3.02-MeV proton energy that is released from the center-of-mass rest frame of a DD reaction. In addition to the 2.7-MeV protons, strongly anisotropic beams of 3-MeV accelerated deuterons were detected by ion diagnostics placed at a radial distance of 90 mm from the x-pinch. Numerical reconstruction of experimental data generated by deflected hydrogen ion trajectories evaluated the total current in the vacuum load region. Numerical ion-tracking simulations show that accelerated deuteron beams exited the ion source region at large angles with respect to the pinch current direction.
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