Analysis of methods for controlling metrological characteristics of laser trackers

Oleksandr Adamenko, Oleksandr Sarbash,Andriy Annenkov, Oleksandr Kuzmych, Olena Tsykolenko

Urban development and spatial planning(2024)

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Laser trackers are pivotal components within contemporary measurement technology, offering unparalleled precision and reliability in measurement processes. Yet, maintaining their effectiveness mandates a systematic approach to controlling their metrological traits. Both static and dynamic research methodologies are routinely employed to evaluate the accuracy of laser trackers. This article embarks on a detailed exploration of the methodologies employed to regulate the metrological attributes of laser trackers, encompassing the utilization of length artifacts, network methodologies, control mechanisms utilizing rotary tables, and interferometry techniques. By delving into these methodologies, the article endeavors to establish a robust framework for evaluating the accuracy and reliability of laser trackers. This process stands as a critical juncture in guaranteeing their effectiveness across various measurement tasks. The meticulous analysis of these methods is instrumental in enhancing the precision and dependability of laser trackers, thereby bolstering their utility across diverse industrial and scientific domains. Consequently, efforts directed towards refining the metrological characteristics of laser trackers play an indispensable role in the continuous advancement of measurement technology. They facilitate the seamless integration of laser trackers into an array of applications, ensuring their efficacy and reliability in addressing complex measurement challenges encountered in modern industries and scientific research endeavors.
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