Evidence for a close-in tertiary orbiting around the Algol-type system HZ Dra with tidal splitting and spots activities


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We reported a cyclic variation of O-C diagram with a semi-amplitude of 0.0033 days and a period of 1.05 years for the pulsating eclipsing binary HZ Dra. The cyclic variation can be explained by the light travel-time effect via the presence of a close-in third body orbiting around HZ Dra in an elliptical orbit with a maximum semi-major axis of 0.92 au. Based on the W-D code, the contribution of the third light to the total system is determined to be 29 %, which is in agreement with the estimated value. Our light curve modelling indicates an evolving hot and cool spot on the surface of the primary and secondary components, respectively. Their positions are roughly symmetrical to the inner Lagrangian point L1, which could be used to explain the variation in the O^'Connell effect. Our frequency analysis detects 1 radial p-mode, 7 non-radial p-modes and 1 non-radial g-mode. In addition, a total of 6 multiplets are identified, spaced by the orbital frequency, which can be explained as a tidally split mode caused by the equilibrium tides of the close binary system with a circular orbit. These pulsating features suggest that the primary of HZ Dra is a δ Scuti star, pulsating in both p- and g-mode and influenced by tidal forces.
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