Peculiarities of uav mapping of the territory with a significant elevation differenc

Yurii Medvedskyi,Andriy Annenkov, Oleksandr Adamenko,Roman Demianenko, Elena Tcikolenko

Urban development and spatial planning(2024)

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The research delves into a comprehensive analysis of the outcomes derived from Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) mapping applied to a terrain characterized by a significant variance in elevation. Specifically, the study focuses on the incline of the National Museum of the Holodomor Genocide in Kyiv. Throughout the process of generating orthophotomaps, meticulous attention was given to georeferencing the images to reference points. The coordinates of these points were determined with precision using Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) methods implemented through a network of permanent Real-Time Kinematic (RTK) stations. In addition to the georeferencing process, these points underwent coordination to facilitate a more in-depth analysis of linear distortions evident in the orthophotomap along and across the slope. Upon scrutinizing the results obtained by comparing horizontal distortions between control points derived from the orthophoto and those obtained through analytical calculations, a discernible correlation emerged between the elevation difference and the magnitude of misalignment. It was observed that longer lines parallel to the slope exhibited a tendency for increased errors, while no such dependence was noted for lines perpendicular to the slope. This observed trend underscores the importance of considering elevation differences in the survey area when employing UAV survey methodology. The results strongly suggest the feasibility and practicality of integrating such considerations into the UAV surveying process for terrains characterized by significant elevation variations.
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