Improving the qualifications of librarians as a priority direction of scientific and methodical work in the VNLU in the conditions of social challenges

Вісник Книжкової палати(2023)

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The purpose of the article is toprove the feasibility of establishing a fundamentally new system of improving the qualifications of library personnel on the basis of the V. I. Vernadskyi National Library of Ukraine. The advantages of implementing virtual education amongo the forms of education are argued, the value of distance training in conditions of social up heavals is proven. The implementation of a fundamentally new system of improving the qualifications of librarians as a leading direction of scientific and methodological work on the basis of the V. I. Vernadskyi National Library of Ukraine — the leading scientific and in formation center of the state, the main coordinator of the network of libraries of scientific institutions of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukrain e isan urgent need today. The preparation and implementation of internship programs, certified courses and online training, which will be developed by leadings cientists and practitioners of the library industry in close cooperation with teachers of specialized institutions of higher education, will positively affect the transformation of the library business in Ukraine, taking in to account the requirements of the global library community. Implementation of a single onli needucational platform, which integrates educational resources (online consultations, video conferences, onlin electures, webinars, direct communication of specialists from different countries), is an importanttask of the Ukrainian library sector, because all this has already been implemented and functions in leading countries the world. Virtual educationis a promising form in today's digital world, because the value of virtual learning is reflected in the advantages it gives to the modern worker.
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