Enhanced mangrove index: A spectral index for discrimination understorey, nypa, and mangrove trees

Bayu Prayudha, Yaya I. Ulumuddin, Vincentius Siregar, Suyarso, Syamsul B. Agus, Lilik B. Prasetyo, Suyadi, Praditya Avianto, Muhammad R. Ramadhani


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Unsupervised classification using vegetation indices has been extensively employed to map mangrove forests using medium-resolution satellite images. However, its capability is restricted to determining the extent of mangroves only. This study introduces a new spectral index called the enhanced mangrove index (EMI) for accurately mapping different components of mangrove vegetation, including mangrove trees, nypa, and understorey. An immediate effort is required to monitor the invasion of nypa and understorey in the mangrove forest of Segara Anakan Lagoon, located in Central Java, Indonesia. This issue may also be prevalent in other mangrove areas worldwide. The development of EMI involved: 1). the analysis of the reflectance exhibited by different types of mangrove vegetation, and 2). The performance of EMI was evaluated by comparing it with spectral indices such as automated mangrove map and index (AMMI), as well as supervised classification models like random forest (RF). The accuracy assessment indicates that the overall accuracy and Kappa coefficient achieved values of 0.87 and 0.84, respectively, surpassing other spectral indices and supervised classification models. AMMI and RF exhibited high overall accuracy, with values of 0.82 and 0.73, respectively. Additionally, they demonstrated a Kappa coefficient of 0.77 and 0.66, respectively.
EMI,Classification,Mangrove mapping,Invasion,Segara anakan
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