Electrode module for EIT with a robust howland current source

Rafael B. Santos, André L. Santos,André C.M. Cavalheiro, Rafael A.O. Ferro,Fernando S. Moura,Raul G. Lima,Thiago C. Martins,Marcos S.G. Tsuzuki

IFAC Journal of Systems and Control(2024)

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Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT) is a non-invasive imaging technique that reconstructs internal conductivity distributions of a body from electrical measurements taken on its boundary. This study contributes to the field by focusing on the technological intricacies of absolute EIT imaging, which is challenged by limitations such as the resolution capacity of the hardware and the complexities introduced by imaging capacitive bodies. The novel EIT system architecture proposed enhances the accuracy of measurement by integrating current sources and Analog-to-Digital Converters (ADCs) closer to the electrodes, employing alternating current excitations to accurately capture phase information. This system uses a dynamic arrangement of surface electrodes that continuously alter their roles between current injection and voltage measurement, in a synchronized sequence, to ensure the accuracy of the measurements. The paper describes the design and implementation of both the excitation and measurement subsystems, highlighting the use of digital signal demodulation near the electrode to reduce data transfer issues. Experimental results confirm the system’s capability for real-time image reconstruction at 50 frames per second with precision in phase delay measurements, suggesting significant potential for clinical and industrial applications. Future work will aim to further refine signal generation with higher-speed DACs and expand to image reconstruction with more channels.
Signal processing,Electrical Impedance Tomography,EIT,Demodulation
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