Hormonology: A tale of dedication, serendipity, and ingenuity

Aaron J. W. Hsueh, Jianzhen Li

The Innovation Life(2024)

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Hormone studies are a trove of captivating narratives, showcasing dedication, adversity, serendipity, and human triumph. This article delves into riveting stories of hormone discovery, characterization, clinical application, and the scientists themselves. Our journey begins with Arnold Berthod��s pivotal rooster castration experiments, laying the groundwork for understanding testosterone, and Ernest Starling��s 1902 revelation that secretin wasn��t neuron-released. We��ll explore the origins of kisspeptin and its role in GnRH pulsatile secretion by KNDY neurons. Discussions will include GH therapy��s surprising link to Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease and the isolation of GHRH from pancreatic tumors. We��ll also delve into drug screenings for GH release stimulants and the design of long-acting FSH for infertility, alongside discoveries of inhibin and activin. Further, we��ll uncover the genetic basis of chemokines and relaxin-related ligands, highlighting scientists�� perseverance and ingenuity. From collecting Mexican yam tubers for progestin synthesis to using beard shavings to study testosterone regulation, their creativity knows no bounds. We��ll touch on parabiotic animal experiments leading to leptin��s discovery and polarized ligand-receptor expression. Anecdotes will include a Nobel laureate displaying a rejection letter during an award ceremony and a researcher pursuing receptor structure despite funding setbacks, both eventually rewarded. With dedicated scientists and serendipitous findings, we��ve unlocked the secrets of over a hundred hormones, understanding their pivotal role in maintaining bodily homeostasis.

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