#2418 Effects of correction of acidosis on body composition and biochemical parameters in CKD patients on maintenance hemodialysis

Gaurav Singh, Chetan Phadke,Tushar Anil Dighe,Atul Sajgure,Charan Bale,Nilesh Shinde,Pavan Wakhare, Shreeharsh Godbole, Abhishek Borle

Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation(2024)

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Abstract Background and Aims Metabolic acidosis is a common problem in patients of chronic kidney disease and patients on maintenance hemodialysis. In resource poor countries, due to financial constraints frequency of dialysis and compliance to medication is adversely affected. This leads to worsening of clinical condition of patient and requirement of in hospital care, many times intensive care, further increasing cost of treatment. Metabolic acidosis has implications on bone and muscle health. Aim of our study was to assess the changes in body composition (fat percentage and lean body mass), changes in third space fluid, biochemical parameters, number of admissions and requirement of blood transfusions before and after correction of metabolic acidosis. Method This was a prospective, observational study. 25 patients on maintenance hemodialysis at our center were included in the study. Bio-impedance analysis (BIA), biochemical parameters (Complete blood counts, renal function tests, serum calcium and phosphorous, liver function tests, Blood gas analysis) were done at baseline before starting bicarbonate supplementation. Number of admissions and blood transfusions in 3 months prior to initiation of bicarbonate supplementation were noted. The oral bicarbonate supplementation was increased from baseline, based on the baseline blood gas analysis. The same parameters were assessed after 3 months and analyzed. Results At the end of 3 months we observed that there was significant reduction (p < 0.05) in total leucocyte counts (mean 8100/cumm to 6800/cumm), urea (mean 113.7 mg/dL to 83.72 ng/dL), creatinine (mean 7.87 mg/dL to 6.68 mg/dL), phosphorous (mean 5.18 mg/dL to 4.43 mg/dL), SGOT (mean 56.52 IU to 25.2 IU) and SGPT (mean 46.48 IU to 22.88 IU) with a trend of decrease (p ≤ 0.1) in percentage of extra cellular water (27.31% to 25.03%), lean body mass (44.27 kg to 43.0 kg) and trend of increase (p ≤ 0.1) in body fat composition (15.62 kg to 18.82 kg) and body fat percentage (26.924% to 31.90). There was a reduction in third space fluid (0.88 lit to 0.43 lit). The number of hospitalizations reduced (15 three months prior to initiation of therapy to 7 after initiation of therapy) and number of blood transfusions required also reduced (21 before initiation to 10 after initiation of therapy). Conclusion We concluded that correction of acidosis probably reduces the inflammation in patients of CKD on maintenance hemodialysis. This could be seen from the reduced total leucocyte counts, liver enzymes, urea and creatinine values. Changes in body composition with increased total fat mass, fat percentage and decreased lean mass was also noted. There was also a significant reduction in hospitalizations and number of blood transfusions.
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