A design method for filter to achieve arbitrary distribution of multiple transmission zeros without cross-coupling

Linping Feng, Huan Zhou, Wuyunsudu Bao,Yongliang Zhang

AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications(2024)

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This paper proposes a method for introducing transmission zeros (TZs) in filters using dual-mode resonators. By loading a dual-mode resonator as a second-order extracted-pole unit (EPU) at the input or output of the filter, a pair of finite TZs can be introduced without cross-coupling. This approach reduces the size of the filter while generating two finite transmission zeros compared to conventional methods. Since the dual-mode resonator is characterized by its separable odd and even modes, and by adjusting the resonant frequency of the EPU, it can achieve an arbitrary distribution of TZs. It is worth noting that the EPU does not affect the insertion loss of the filter because it operates mainly outside the passband. Furthermore, this work delves into the EPU’s mechanism for generating TZs and the method of adjusting TZ position by designing filters of second, fourth, sixth, and eighth orders, providing a solid foundation for the creation of higher-order filter circuits.
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Key words
Bandpass filter,Extracted-pole unit,Dual mode resonator
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