
Utilizing the Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich Equivalent Number of Looks for Sea State Applications

Remote Sensing(2024)

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Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich (S6-MF) is the first altimeter operating in a continuous high-rate pulse mode, i.e., interleaved mode. This ensures the generation of low-resolution (LR) mode measurements with a pulse repetition frequency (PRF) of ∼9 kHz (variable along the orbit) for the Ku-band as well as the processing of high-resolution (HR) echoes on ground. This operating mode provides an elevated number of highly correlated single looks with respect to the fewer number, weakly correlated echoes of Jason-3 altimeter. A theoretical model is exploited to envisage the correlation properties of S6-MF pulse limited waveform echoes for different sea-state conditions; after that, the model is validated by comparison with the equivalent number of looks (ENL) empirically estimated from real data. The existence of a significant dependence of the statistical properties on the range is verified, and its impact on the precision and on the accuracy in the estimation of the geophysical parameters is assessed in case of the 9 kHz PRF of S6-MF. By applying pulse decimation before the multilook processing, an investigation on new processing techniques is performed, aimed at exploiting the higher ENL in S6-MF low-resolution mode waveforms. It is shown that a bias of less than 0.4 cm is found for SSH and about 1.5 cm for SWH at SWH = 2 m when the decimated waveforms processing is compared with full high-PRF processing.
Sentinel-6,Jason-3,delay-doppler altimeter,sea-state,geophysical parameters
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