Analyzing the Probability of Acoustic Cavitation Induced by Focused Ultrasound with Short-Pulsed Emission

J. A. Rodríguez,M. I. Gutiérrez, J. Gutiérrez, M. Santos,A. Vera,L. Leija

2024 Global Medical Engineering Physics Exchanges/ Pan American Health Care Exchanges (GMEPE/PAHCE)(2024)

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Acoustic cavitation has been observed in various medical applications. Despite efforts to avoid it, there have been endeavors to utilize and regulate it. However, determining a parameter of this phenomenon has posed a challenge in understanding its characteristics. The present study focuses on the generation and detection of acoustic cavitation through ultrasound pulses of different durations and powers. An analysis of the obtained signals was conducted, highlighting the observed behavior and the probability of occurrence of the phenomenon in various experimental scenarios. Agarose phantoms with acoustic properties similar to water were used. The results revealed a significant relationship between the applied power, pulse duration, and the presence of acoustic cavitation, with a higher probability and duration of the phenomenon observed at higher power levels, over 80% in the highest power applied of 5W in short pulses of 10 and 30 μs. Additionally, it was identified that the initial pulse duration influenced in the early manifestation of the phenomenon. This study provides an understanding of acoustic cavitation and a possible development of itself in water-based phantoms. The findings presented here are part of an ongoing research aiming to develop effective methods for controlling and detecting this phenomenon.
Acoustic cavitation,focused ultrasound,pulsed signal,spectrogram
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