An enhanced prediction of tumor using transfer learning based framework

Surjeet Yadav, Ramachandran T,Arvind Kumar Pandey

2024 2nd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Applications Theme: Healthcare and Internet of Things (AIMLA)(2024)

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Switch mastering involves the transfer of understanding from one device mastering version to every other, with the purpose of getting better performance from the version being trained. This approach has currently been used to improve the effectiveness of deep-gaining knowledge of networks for most cancer detection. Specifically, the switch getting-to-know method is applied to best-song a pre-trained deep studying network with medical imaging records to research functions related to most cancer datasets. The first-class-tuned deep learning network is then used to classify newly affected person pics for analysis and prognosis of most cancers. The method of switching getting to know has the gain of substantially decreasing the amount of information needed to teach a deep learning version, in addition to offering multiplied accuracy of the model and improving generalization capability. Moreover, transfer studying may be used to investigate exclusive aspects of most cancers and discover new functions in cancer datasets. As such, transfer getting to know from deep learning networks is a powerful device for most cancer detection.
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