Truncated Variance Reduced Value Iteration

Yujia Jin, Ishani Karmarkar,Aaron Sidford, Jiayi Wang


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We provide faster randomized algorithms for computing an ϵ-optimal policy in a discounted Markov decision process with A_tot-state-action pairs, bounded rewards, and discount factor γ. We provide an Õ(A_tot[(1 - γ)^-3ϵ^-2 + (1 - γ)^-2])-time algorithm in the sampling setting, where the probability transition matrix is unknown but accessible through a generative model which can be queried in Õ(1)-time, and an Õ(s + (1-γ)^-2)-time algorithm in the offline setting where the probability transition matrix is known and s-sparse. These results improve upon the prior state-of-the-art which either ran in Õ(A_tot[(1 - γ)^-3ϵ^-2 + (1 - γ)^-3]) time [Sidford, Wang, Wu, Ye 2018] in the sampling setting, Õ(s + A_tot (1-γ)^-3) time [Sidford, Wang, Wu, Yang, Ye 2018] in the offline setting, or time at least quadratic in the number of states using interior point methods for linear programming. We achieve our results by building upon prior stochastic variance-reduced value iteration methods [Sidford, Wang, Wu, Yang, Ye 2018]. We provide a variant that carefully truncates the progress of its iterates to improve the variance of new variance-reduced sampling procedures that we introduce to implement the steps. Our method is essentially model-free and can be implemented in Õ(A_tot)-space when given generative model access. Consequently, our results take a step in closing the sample-complexity gap between model-free and model-based methods.
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