Assessment of the Differences in the Agronomic Traits and Phytochemical Contents in Three Popular Tropical Tomato Cultivars

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India Section B: Biological Sciences(2024)

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Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) is highly popular because of its versatility and the nutrient content of the fruit. Three tropical tomato cultivars; “Red Rock”, “Super Star”, and “Tropical” grown in controlled greenhouse conditions, were investigated to ascertain the influence of cultivar on the agronomic traits and phytochemical contents of fruits. Wide ranges of variation were found between cultivars for plant height, flower and fruit yield. Flowers of each cultivar varied in numbers of sepal and petals (5–6), style length (6.95–7.52 mm) and pollen size (20.64–28.81 µm) with ovary locules varying from three (Super Star) to five (Tropical). Tropical showed the highest fruit weight (fresh weight; 1.67–2.29-fold) and area (1.12–1.21-fold) compared to Red Rock and Super Star. Super Star showed the highest antioxidant (1.03–1.05-fold), total phenol (1.49–1.63-fold), total flavonoid (1.10–1.23-fold), total anthocyanin (1.86–3.48-fold) and lycopene content (2.22–1.05-fold) compared to Red Rock and Tropical. Red Rock showed the highest total sugar (2.16–4.45-fold) and Tropical (1.53–1.19-fold) showed the highest ascorbic acid content. PCA analysis of ten measured traits showed 92.27
Agronomic traits,Phytochemical content,Principal component analysis,Reproductive phenology,Tomato
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