Quantitative Analogue Simulation of Planar Molecules.

Nileema Sharma,Sushrut Ghonge, Anthony Francisco,David Green, Matthew Toole,Anthony Ruth, Laura Collins, Kenjiro Gomes, Morten Eskildsen,Boldizsár Jankó,Xiaolong Liu

Nano letters(2024)

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Synthetic quantum systems provide a pathway for exploring the physics of complex quantum matter in a programmable fashion. This approach becomes particularly advantageous when it comes to systems that are thermodynamically unfavorable. By sculpting the potential landscape of Cu(111) surfaces with carbon monoxide quantum corrals in a cryogenic scanning tunneling microscope, we created analogue simulators of planar organic molecules, including antiaromatic and non-Kekulé species that are generally reactive or unstable. Spectroscopic imaging of such synthetic molecules reveals close replications of molecular orbitals obtained from ab initio calculations of the organic molecules. We further illustrate the quantitative nature of such analogue simulators by faithful extraction of bond orders and global aromaticity indices, which are otherwise technically daunting using real molecules. Our approach therefore sets the stage for new research frontiers pertaining to the quantum physics and chemistry of designer nanostructures.
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