
Host-specific Endophytes of Momordica Charantia: A Promising Source for Affordable Lung Cancer Therapeutics

South African journal of botany(2024)

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Endophyte-host interactions lead to the production of various bioactive compounds. Thus, endophytes from a medicinal plant such as Momordica charantia, can be promising candidates for producing pharmacological compounds. Our study therefore aims to evaluate these endophytes as sustainable sources of potential low-cost lung cancer drugs. We determined the endophytes associated with M. charantia (fruit and leaf) and assessed anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antiproliferative potential against NCI-H23 lung cancer cells. LC-Q-TOF-MS of the endophyte extracts was conducted to determine the metabolite profile.Leaf endophyte F. circinatum showed anti-inflammatory (114.29 %), antioxidant (IC50=27.39 µg/ml) and antiproliferative activity (IC50=98.62 µl/ml) with decreased Beclin1 expression (autophagy regulator) in NCI-H23 cells. It produced five anticancer compounds namely linamarin, xestoaminol C, phytosphingosine, cucurbitacin E and margarolic acid. Fruit endophyte E. fergusonii also showed significant antiproliferative potential (IC50=170.8 µl/ml) with upregulated apoptosis regulator Bcl2 expression. It produced compounds such as eplerenone, kuguacin C and H. With the production of triterpenoids momordicine I, cucurbitacin E and kuguaglycoside A, leaf endophyte A. faecalis showed antioxidant potential (IC50=29.65 µg/ml) but limited antiproliferative activity. This is the first report of endophytes-mediated biosynthesis of host-specific compounds in M. charantia including momordicine I, cucurbitacin E and kuguacins, which are known to have anti-cancer properties. Thus, these medicinal plant endophytes can be low-cost sustainable candidates with anti-cancerous potential, especially against lung cancer.
Bitter gourd,Fusarium circinatum,Alcaligens faecalis,Escherichia fergusonii,Antiproliferative potential,Terpenoids
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