Non trivial optimal sampling rate for estimating a Lipschitz-continuous function in presence of mean-reverting Ornstein-Uhlenbeck noise


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We examine a mean-reverting Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process that perturbs an unknown Lipschitz-continuous drift and aim to estimate the drift's value at a predetermined time horizon by sampling the path of the process. Due to the time varying nature of the drift we propose an estimation procedure that involves an online, time-varying optimization scheme implemented using a stochastic gradient ascent algorithm to maximize the log-likelihood of our observations. The objective of the paper is to investigate the optimal sample size/rate for achieving the minimum mean square distance between our estimator and the true value of the drift. In this setting we uncover a trade-off between the correlation of the observations, which increases with the sample size, and the dynamic nature of the unknown drift, which is weakened by increasing the frequency of observation. The mean square error is shown to be non monotonic in the sample size, attaining a global minimum whose precise description depends on the parameters that govern the model. In the static case, i.e. when the unknown drift is constant, our method outperforms the arithmetic mean of the observations in highly correlated regimes, despite the latter being a natural candidate estimator. We then compare our online estimator with the global maximum likelihood estimator.
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