A Novel Supplying Strategy of Isolated Power Generation for Offshore Islands

2024 International Conference on Smart Grid and Energy (ICSGE)(2024)

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Renewable resources are crucial for green development of offshore islands. However, land resources in island are much more precious than mainland, and renewable energy will occupy the living space, which hinders the concept of green development. It is worth noting that there exist islands not habitable but also have abundant resources. Therefore, the ideal development mode for offshore islands would be to construct energy generation on uninhabitable islands and transmit electricity to the load island through cables. However, due to route restrictions and investment effectiveness, there are plentiful resource islands not suitable for constructing cable, hence a large amount of renewable resources cannot be utilized. Aiming at the challenge, the paper proposes a novel strategy of isolated power generation to collaborate with existing idle ships nearby resource islands to supply energy to load island. Considering the multi-subject investments of island, two-level model containing upper-level isolated power generation model and lower-level day-ahead electricity market clearing model has been established. Simulation results show that the proposed strategy can maximize social benefits while improving the profits of isolated power generation on resource island, verifying the feasibility of utilizing isolated power generation in offshore islands.
Isolated power generation,offshore islands,renewable energy,shared ship,electricity market
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