A 4.2pJ/Pixel 480 fps Stereo Vision Processor with Pixel Level Pipelined Architecture and Two-Path Aggregation Semi-Global Matching

2024 IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference (CICC)(2024)

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Binocular stereo vision, leveraging the principle of human visual perception to recover depth information from planar images, finds widespread deployment in 3D reconstruction, obstacle avoidance, and object detection. The semi-global matching (SGM) algorithm is renowned for its ability to provide precise depth information through semi-global optimization of the disparity across entire frames. However, the core operation of SGM, namely cost aggregation, requires massive computation and high-density on-chip memory, as depicted in Fig. 1(top). Furthermore, the data dependency issue within the aggregation process significantly impacts the system throughput, leading to performance degradation. Prior ASIC solutions [1]–[2] utilized external DRAM to minimize on-chip memory usage, leading to a notable increase in power consumption. The work in [3] proposed a diagonal scan method to mitigate the data dependency issue. However, it increases the complexity of data fetching, and the throughput is still limited since only 5~7 clock cycles slack is extended for the next pixel's aggregation process.
Stereopsis,Pipeline Architecture,Semi-global Matching,Throughput,Assembly Process,Object Detection,3D Reconstruction,Median Filter,Obstacle Avoidance,Clock Cycles,Disparate Levels,Local Cost,Rank Transformation,Increased Power Consumption,Cost Aggregation,Post-processing Stage,On-chip Memory
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