The knowledge of and educational interest in sexual medicine among Finnish medical and midwifery students: A web-based study.

European journal of midwifery(2024)

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INTRODUCTION:Many elements of life can affect sexual health; thus, healthcare professionals require good knowledge of sexual medicine to encounter patients with these issues. We aimed to study final-year medical and midwifery students' self-reported knowledge of factors associated with sexuality and their knowledge of how to evaluate and treat/counsel patients with sexual problems. In addition, educational interests regarding sexual medicine were assessed. METHODS:In a cross-sectional study, a web-based questionnaire was distributed to final-year medical (n=233) and midwifery (n=131) students graduating between December 2018 and May 2019 in Finland. RESULTS:Both student groups self-reported insufficient knowledge of how to consider sexuality in mentally ill patients, how to encounter victims of domestic violence/sexual abuse, and how multiculturalism affects sexuality. In addition, compared to the midwifery students, the medical students were more likely to self-report insufficient knowledge of the basics of sexual pleasure and treating the lack of it (p<0.001), including how to treat sexual problems due to relationship problems (p<0.001) or chronic diseases (p=0.015). Although several educational areas of interest arose, both student groups had two mutual most desirable educational interests: 1) reasons for dyspareunia and its treatment, n=117/233 (50.2%) for medical students, and n=60/131 (45.8%) for midwifery students; and 2) lack of sexual desire and its treatment, n=100/233 (42.9%) for medical students, and n=55/131 (42.0%) for midwifery students. CONCLUSIONS:In both student groups, the self-reported knowledge of sexual medicine was insufficient. Thus, more education on sexual medicine should be included in the curricula of medical and midwifery education.
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