
Using single and double laser pulses on the molecular Ni4@C48H36 system to design integrated nanospintronic units

Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics(2024)

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The accomplishment of long-distance spin transfer scenarios between several magnetic centers is a big challenge for building and supporting spin-logic units for developing future all-optical magnetic unit operations. Using high-level quantum chemistry theory CCSD and EOM-CCSD, we systematically study the ultrafast laser-induced spin-dynamics process on a carbon-based material, to which four magnetic centers are attached. We show that the CCSD method with the 6-31G basis set calculation is sensitive to the C-Ni bond length. The spin density distribution, which is computed using EOM-CCSD with LanL2DZ+ECP calculations, Mulliken population analysis, including spin-orbit-coupling (SOC) and a magnetic field, fulfills the requirements for achieving spin dynamics processes. Different local spin-flip and spin-transfer processes are accomplished within the subpicosecond regime. The impact of the propagation direction of the laser pulse by switching their polar and the azimuthal angles in spherical coordinates on the spin dynamics processes is analyzed. Double laser pulses with time delay delta t >= 200 x FWHM yield in a realistic magnetic field gradient selectively a lateral resolution, which corresponds to distances smaller than the CMOS scale (2 nm in 2024) while our system size is comparable to the CMOS scale. Here Lambda and V processes with two quasi-degenerate intermediate levels are used. We propose a model of an integrated spin-logic processor created from an array of individual spin-logic blocks, which are realized by four magnetic centers Ni. The findings of this study demonstrate the enormous potential of using laser-induced spin dynamics as the fundamental mechanism for future molecular magnetic technology.
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