Implementation of an Educational Intervention for Gastric Cancer Awareness in the General Population in CELAC and Europe. A Strategy Proposed by the LEGACy Consortium

Juan Antonio Carbonell-Asins,Elena Jiménez-Martí, Sergio Romero, Eduardo García-Galea, Beatriz Lopez, Carmelo Caballero, Hugo Boggino, Cinthia Gauna, Olga Beatriz Acevedo, Gabriel Benitez, Claudia Céspedes, Edith Fernandez-Figueroa, Nayeli Ortiz-Olvera,Erika Ruiz-García,Fátima Carneiro,Rita Barros,Ceu Figueiredo,Rui Ferreira, Tessa Suzanne Groen - van Schooten, Demi van Santvliet,Sarah Derks, Romina Luca,Maria Alsina, Arnoldo Riquelme, Andrés Cervantes,Tania Fleitas


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