Vaginal Malignant Melanoma-Case Report and Comprehensive Review of Literature

Indian Journal of Gynecologic Oncology(2024)

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Vaginal mucosal melanoma is a rare aggressive neoplasm predominantly affecting postmenopausal age group. This case report and review explores the optimal treatment regimen for this disease. We report a case of primary vaginal melanoma who had wide local excision followed by immunotherapy with nivolumab and radiation. A comprehensive literature review was done to evaluate the existing treatment modalities. The review covers the existing evidence on treatment of vaginal melanoma with surgery and adjuvant therapy which is evolving with different approaches using chemotherapy, radiation therapy and recently with immunotherapy. The case discussed here was refractory to treatment and had rapid progression. Vaginal mucosal melanoma is an aggressive rare malignancy that requires early detection and appropriate management for improved survival. Multidisciplinary approach with margin negative resection is the best way to handle such rare diseases.
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Key words
Melanoma,Vaginal melanoma,Radiation therapy,Immunotherapy,Response,Treatment
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