Characterization of the interaction between the Sec61 translocon complex and ppαF using optical tweezers.

Luka Robeson,Nathalie Casanova-Morales,Francesca Burgos-Bravo, Hilda M Alfaro-Valdés, Robert Lesch, Carolina Ramírez-Álvarez, Mauricio Valdivia-Delgado, Marcela Vega,Ricardo A Matute,Randy Schekman,Christian A M Wilson

Protein science : a publication of the Protein Society(2024)

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The Sec61 translocon allows the translocation of secretory preproteins from the cytosol to the endoplasmic reticulum lumen during polypeptide biosynthesis. These proteins possess an N-terminal signal peptide (SP) which docks at the translocon. SP mutations can abolish translocation and cause diseases, suggesting an essential role for this SP/Sec61 interaction. However, a detailed biophysical characterization of this binding is still missing. Here, optical tweezers force spectroscopy was used to characterize the kinetic parameters of the dissociation process between Sec61 and the SP of prepro-alpha-factor. The unbinding parameters including off-rate constant and distance to the transition state were obtained by fitting rupture force data to Dudko-Hummer-Szabo models. Interestingly, the translocation inhibitor mycolactone increases the off-rate and accelerates the SP/Sec61 dissociation, while also weakening the interaction. Whereas the translocation deficient mutant containing a single point mutation in the SP abolished the specificity of the SP/Sec61 binding, resulting in an unstable interaction. In conclusion, we characterize quantitatively the dissociation process between the signal peptide and the translocon, and how the unbinding parameters are modified by a translocation inhibitor.
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