Drug utilisation study of parenteral nutrition in neonate patients

Arina Dery Puspitasari, Satya Andiva, Hargus Haraudi Barkah, Mahendra Tri Arif Sampurna,Budi Suprapti, Mariah Ulfa, Diah Sukmawati Pangarsih, Widia Yuniarti

Pharmacy Education(2024)

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Background: The neonatal period is an individual adaptation with a higher risk of death and complications. Using parenteral nutrition to meet nutritional imbalances in neonates requires close supervision to prevent complications caused by inappropriate administration. Objective: This study aims to examine the effectiveness of parenteral nutrition (PN) in weight changes, patient caloric balance, osmolarity, and side effects. Methods: This study used a prospective observation method and was carried out from April to June 2023 at Universitas Airlangga Hospital. Data were obtained through medical records and direct observation of the patient’s condition after the patient’s parents signed an informed consent. Data analysis was carried out descriptively. Results: PN was given centrally or peripherally to 71 patients. Of those, 21 were low birth weight patients. Caloric balance was achieved in almost all patients. All patients gained weight, although only 20.89% experienced a return to birth weight. Phlebitis occurred in 35.22% of patients. Conclusion: Parenteral nutrition is efficacious in increasing the patient’s weight, depending on the suitability of the calculation between calories needed and calories obtained and the osmolarity of the preparation.
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