Spatial optimization of rural settlements in ecologically fragile regions based on a multi-agent model: Evidence from different types of towns

Environmental Impact Assessment Review(2024)

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Rural settlements in ecologically fragile regions are typically small and fragmented. Enhancing their spatial organization is crucial for both improving living standards and minimizing ecological impacts. Traditional approaches, which often from a top-down perspective, tend to overlook the decision-making processes of rural residents. This study proposes a bottom-up approach to reorganize the spatial layout of rural settlements. We selected three distinct types of townships: an urbanized town, an agricultural development town, and a key ecological town. The categorization of rural settlements was based on morphological characteristics and external conditions. The result showed that the urbanized town experienced the highest rates of relocation and evacuation, whereas the key ecological town had the lowest. And then, we reconstructed the spatial layout of rural settlements on basis of the multi-agent model. Simulation results revealed a significant reduction in the number of rural settlement patches in the urbanized town, and marked increases in compactness and average area in the agricultural development town and key ecological town. Additionally, it underscores the importance of spatial compactness and ecological suitability in optimizing rural settlements in ecologically fragile areas. This study aims to provide empirical evidence for addressing the challenges faced by these settlements and to offer a scientific basis for their precise adjustment.
Rural settlement,Spatial optimization,Scenario simulation,Multi-agent model,Ecologically fragile regions
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