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Investigation of chemical processes in cement exposed to wet ScCO2 and CO2-saturated brine in geological CO2 storage conditions


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In geological CO2 storage conditions, wellbore cement can be exposed to both supercritical CO2 (ScCO2) with water vapor, and CO2 dissolved in water. There is a lack of studies that investigate the effects of reaction environments on the extent of CO2-induced cement carbonation and leaching. In this study, four CO2 exposure experiments were designed with wellbore cement samples exposed to both ScCO2 and CO2 dissolved in water to investigate the impacts of evaporation, capillarity, diffusion, and salt deposition on cement carbonation. Severe cement carbonation after 14 and 28 days of CO2 exposure was observed in a wet ScCO2 phase. When water evaporation into ScCO2 phase was minimized by a steel plate between the brine phase and the ScCO2 phase, a strong cement carbonation in ScCO2 phase was still visible. The reason was that imbibition and diffusion drove water to migrate from the lower section to the upper section of the cement sample to participate in the carbonation reaction. The level of cement carbonation in different CO2 exposure environments was ranked as: wet ScCO2 > CO2 dissolved in water > Pure-ScCO2. The corresponding maximum carbonation area ratios were 90 % and 38 % for the wet ScCO2 scenario and the brine scenario, respectively, compared with a maximum carbonation area ratio of 20 % for the Pure-ScCO2 scenario. This study implies that the most altered region in wellbore cement is at the ScCO2-water interface, and the expansion rate of the altered region is the key to evaluate the potential for CO2 leakage through wellbore cement.
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Wellbore cement,Supercritical CO2,Capillarity,Evaporation,Salt deposition
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