Efforts to Improve Bottom-Passing Learning Outcomes Through the Crab Walk Playing Approach in the Mini Volleyball Game for Class VI Students at SDN 103 Inpres Hasanuddin

COMPETITOR: Jurnal Pendidikan Kepelatihan Olahraga(2024)

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The purpose of the study was to determine the improvement of learning outcomes of mini volleyball lower passing through the crab road playing approach in students of SDN 103 Inpres Hasanuddin, Maros Regency. This research is a class action research using several cycles (pre-cycle, cycle I, and cycle II) to see the improvement of students after being given the crab road game. The results showed that in the pre-cycle activities, the number of students who completed the learning was 2 students and 25 students who did not complete the learning, or 7.40% of students completed and 92.60% of students did not complete the learning. In cycle I the number of students who completed learning was 13 students and 14 students were not complete or as many as 42% of students were complete and 58% of students were not complete, while in cycle II there was a significant increase in student learning completeness to 27 complete students or 100%. The conclusion is that the crab road game can improve the learning outcomes of mini volleyball lower passes in students of SDN 103 Inpres Hasanuddin Maros Regency.
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