A Modeling Method Considering New Energy Generation and Deep Peak Regulation

Mingliang Liang,Yanhui Xu, Yanghe Gao, Yuhang Sun,Jie Ji, Xuesong Li

2023 IEEE 7th Conference on Energy Internet and Energy System Integration (EI2)(2023)

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With the installed capacity of renewable energy units continues increasing, and a large number of power electronic devices are connected to the power grid, resulting in a decrease in the inertia level and frequency support capacity of the system. In addition, the flexibility transformation of thermal power units will have a certain impact on the frequency stability of the power grid. Therefore, this paper established the frequency control model of new energy generation in different scenarios, and then analyzed its frequency modulation ability and influences on the system frequency. In addition, considering the frequency control characteristics of thermal power units with the depth of peak modulation, a model considering deep peaking and new energy frequency control is proposed. Finally, through simulation experiments, this paper analyzed the frequency control ability of deep peaking to high proportion new energy accessed system, and proposed a method of maximum proportion of new energy considering thermal power depth peaking.
frequency control,high proportion of new energy,depth peak,load-frequency control
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