Multiclass motor imagery classification with Riemannian geometry and temporal-spectral selection

Zhaohui Li, Xiaohui Tan, Xinyu Li,Liyong Yin

Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing(2024)

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Motor imagery (MI) based brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) decode the users’ intentions from electroencephalography (EEG) to achieve information control and interaction between the brain and external devices. In this paper, firstly, we apply Riemannian geometry to the covariance matrix extracted by spatial filtering to obtain robust and distinct features. Then, a multiscale temporal-spectral segmentation scheme is developed to enrich the feature dimensionality. In order to determine the optimal feature configurations, we utilize a linear learning-based temporal window and spectral band (TWSB) selection method to evaluate the feature contributions, which efficiently reduces the redundant features and improves the decoding efficiency without excessive loss of accuracy. Finally, support vector machines are used to predict the classification labels based on the selected MI features. To evaluate the performance of our model, we test it on the publicly available BCI Competition IV dataset 2a and 2b. The results show that the method has an average accuracy of 79.1
Multiclass motor imagery,Brain-computer interfaces,Riemannian geometry,Temporal-spectral selection,Support vector machines
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