Roraima's lavrado: ecogeographic characterization and socioeconomic potential for indigenous people


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This article addresses the ecogeographic characterization of Roraima's Lavrado and the socioeconomic potential of indigenous peoples. With the advance of mechanized agriculture of corn, soy and rice, which promote significant negative impacts on this unique ecosystem, it is necessary to show the importance for the conservation of this environment's biodiversity and Its water resources. In this context, the traditional knowledge and productive processes of the indigenous peoples that inhabit the region will be analyzed. It is a research with both descriptive and analytical methodological approach, referenced in different sources, such as scientific articles, books, projects and documents. The available resources that are part of the experience of the indigenous peoples of the Lavrado, guarantee an economy of their own base, even with the coexistence and interrelationship of market forces. To maintain the socioeconomic and environmental sustainability of this region, local, state and national environmental public policies must be implemented, within the framework of the National Policy for Territorial and Environmental Management of Indigenous Lands - PNGATI, and in accordance with the Environmental Territorial Management Plans - PGTAs of indigenous communities. These actions would make room for a paradigm shift to what is currently adopted for farming in Roraima, with large-scale agribusiness, which has been causing an accelerated loss of natural landscapes. It is necessary to strengthen environmental policies for the development of the sustainable economy of indigenous peoples.
Lavrado,Roraima,Ecogeographic,Socioeconomics of Indigenous Peoples,Environmental Policies
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