Aftermath epidemics: Percolation on the sites visited by generalized random walles


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We study percolation on the sites of a finite lattice visited by a generalized random walk of finite length with periodic boundary conditions. More precisely, consider Levy flights and walks with finite jumps of length 1 [like Knight's move random walks (RWs) in two dimensions and generalized Knight's move RWs in 3D]. In these walks, the visited sites do not form (as in ordinary RWs) a single connected cluster, and thus percolation on them is nontrivial. The model essentially mimics the spreading of an epidemic in a population weakened by the passage of some devastating agent-like diseases in the wake of a passing army or of a hurricane. Using the density of visited sites (or the number of steps in the walk) as a control parameter, we find a true continuous percolation transition in all cases except for the 2D Knight's move RWs and Levy flights with Levy parameter sigma >= 2. For 3D generalized Knight's move RWs, the model is in the universality class of pacman percolation, and all critical exponents seem to be simple rationals, in particular, beta = 1. For 2D Levy flights with 0 < sigma < 2, scale invariance is broken even at the critical point, which leads at least to very large corrections in finite-size scaling, and even very large simulations were unable to unambiguously determine the critical exponents.
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