Fetoscopic laser coagulation for twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome: a comparison of flexible 1.0/1.2 mm fetoscopes with curved sheaths of 2.7/3.3 mm2 vs. 2 mm fetoscopic lens technique with sheaths of 6.6/11.3 mm2

Michael Tchirikov, Anja Zuehlke, Natalia Schlabritz-Lutsevich,Michael Entezami,Gregor Seliger,Michael Bergner,Weijing Li, Angela Koeninger,Andreas Wienke, Rustem Yusupbaev, Andreas D. Ebert


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Objectives Fetoscopic laser coagulation of placental anastomoses is usually performed for a treatment of twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS). A common complication of fetoscopic laser coagulation for TTTS is preterm preliminary rupture of fetal membranes (PPROM) aggravating the neonatal outcome significantly. However, use of an flexible 1 mm fetoscope with an curved sheath could reduce iatrogenic damage of the amniotic membrane and improve neonatal outcomes after laser treatment. The aim of this study was to compare neonatal outcomes using this flexible fetoscope with curved sheath vs. use of a standard lens technique. Methods Outcomes were retrospective analyzed after use of a standard lens fetoscope of 2 mm (sheath 6.63 mm2 or 11.27 mm(2) for anterior placenta) and a flexible fetoscope of 1 mm or 1.2 mm (sheath 2.65 mm(2) or 3.34 mm(2)) in two German centers of fetal surgery, performed during 2006-2019. Results Neonatal outcome of 247 TTTS patients were analyzed including the rates of double and single fetal survival. The survival of at least one fetus was 97.2 % in the group with the ultrathin technique (n=154) compared to 88.3 % (n=93) in the group with the standard lens fetoscope (p=0.008). Survival of both fetuses was not different between groups (81.0 vs. 75.3 %). The procedure to delivery interval was significantly increased using the ultrathin fetoscope (89.1 +/- 35.0 d vs. 71.4 +/- 35.4 d, p=0.001) resulting in an increased gestational age at delivery by 11 days on average (231.9 +/- 28.1 d vs. 221.1 +/- 32.7 d, p=0.012). Conclusions Fetal survival can be significantly increased following TTTS using flexible fetoscope of 1 mm or 1.2 mm (sheath 2.65 mm(2) or 3.34 mm(2))
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Key words
laser treatment,neonatal outcome,twin-twin transfusion syndrome,twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS),1 mm fetoscope,intrauterine surgery
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